第2回『Transnational Art 2010』開催について、今回は7ヵ国から集まったアーティスト作品の展示となっています。Transnational Artとは、日本はもとより世界中のアーティストが一同に、この大阪からグローバルな美術の展開を可能な限り、幅広い視野で表現し、現代美術の動向と最先端を現代に生きる我々に解り易く伝えて行きたい。アートが与えてくれる影響、アーティストが持つ鋭い表現力を直接感じて頂きたい、また、基本に忠実なだけでなく、それを飛び越えて既成の概念から抜け出し、新しい作風を生み出して行く、コンテンポラリーアート展。地球規模でアートを育み、世界中の優れた才能を持った新進のアーティスト達を未来へ継承し、より充実したものへと成長して行く事を望むものであります。 今まさに世界が経済の危機的状況に陥っているこの時代にこそ、アートの力を発揮すべきと私達は考えています、何故なら過去の歴史を振り返ってもアートがいかに経済向上に貢献し、発展に導いたかは皆様もよくご存知でしょう。
現代アートとは決して難しく解釈されるものではなく、もっと身近に感じられ、楽しませてくれるものであってほしい。我々人間の生活に密着し、時代の変化と共存しながら永遠に不滅の存在と私は考えています。Transnational Art展を通じて各国のアーティスト達の交流が繁栄し、海を越へ彼らの作品が世界中を行き交い発展して行く事を望んでいます。 様々なジャンルからここに集った優れたアーティスト達の作品を存分にお楽しみ下さい。
作品内容 平面・(油絵、アクリル画、鉛筆画、墨、パステル等)
パフォーマンス・ 日本が誇る書のモダンアート、特大筆で描き上げます。
7ヵ国 日本、ベルギー、ニュージーランド、オーストラリア、カナダ、アメリカ
フランス。 38名
主催: SoHo Art Gallery ( Celio Barreto and Yachiyo Nakao )
協賛: Flanders Center, Osaka Arts Planning, Holbein Art Materials Inc.
協力: 大阪府立現代美術センター、関西元気文化圏
TRANSNATIONAL ART 2010: http://transart2010.blogspot.com
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
2010.1.25 - 1.30
We are happy to announce the upcoming contemporary art group exhibition organized by SoHo Art Gallery of Osaka to take place at the Osaka Contemporary Art Centre's Exhibition Room A, from January 25th to January 30th, 2010.
This special exhibition features new graphic, painting, sculpture, installation, multimedia and performance art works by 38 emerging and established artists from Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Japan, New Zealand and The U.S., who're often living and working between their home countries and Osaka.
The goal of this exhibition is to present the public with a comprehensive collection of unique new works addressing issues in contemporary art by artists working or living in a transnational context.
Featured artists:
anata, Seishi ISHIDA, Youichi ITAKURA, Hirotaka ICHIKAWA, Ryohei OBATA, Takayuki OSHIMA, Hiroyuki OGOSHI, Tiery Le... (France), Yoshinobu KAWATAKE, Akiko KAWABATA, Atsuhiro KANZAKI, Ataru KOZORU, Masatoshi GOTO, Yusuke SAKAO, Yoshihisa SANO, Yuki SHIGEOKA, Masato SUNAMI, zipertatou (Canada), Kanako TAKADA, Sanae TAMURA, Rick TUAZON (U.S.A.), Yukiko TSUSHIMA, Vinh TRUONG (Canada), Krzysztof DEBICKI (Canada), Kunihiko NAKANO, Tomoyuki NAKAMOTO, Kouichi NISHIMURA, Kotaro HACHINOHE, Yuuki HATSUKANO, Charles-Éric BILLARD (Canada), VHS, Jason FERGUSON (Australia), Sarah VAN MARCKE (Belgium), Yoko MARUYAMA, Akiyo MUGURUMA, Marie YAMADA, Kenji YOSHIDA and RANDOM (New Zealand).
Contemporary Art on display: Paintings (Oils, acrylics, mixed media), Drawings (Color pencils, pen and ink), Installation, Prints (silkscreen), Performance (Live Painting), Interactive Video Installations, Video Projections, Sculpture (Stone, glass, resin and ceramics) and 2D and 3D Photography.
Admission: Free
Opening Performance by Kotaro Hatch ( http://www.kotarohatch.com ):
Monday January 25th from 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., in gallery A.
Art Talk:
Saturday January 30th from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. featuring guest speakers Bernard Catryss, Director of the Flanders Center, Masakatsu Nishino, President of Osaka Arts Planning, Celio H. Barreto, Owner/Creative Director SoHo Art Gallery and a selection of participating artists (TBA)
Exhibition dates and times:
Monday Jan. 25th: 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday January 26th to Friday Jan. 29th: 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Saturday Jan. 30th: 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
The Osaka Contemporary Art Center is located in the New Annex North & South, 3-1-43 Otemae, Chuo-ku, Osaka 540-0008, Japan
- Tanimachi Subway Line: Get off at Tanimachi 4-chome Station, and take exit No. 1-A.
The centre is a 3 minute walk away.
- Keihan Temmabashi Station: Take the East Exit ad walk 10 minutes southbound.
For more information please call 06-4394-7456 during regular business hours or visit: http://transart2010.blogspot.com
Curated by: SoHo Art Gallery ( Celio Barreto and Yachiyo Nakao )
Supported by: Flanders Center, Osaka Arts Planning, Holbein Art Materials Inc.
Under the auspices of: Osaka Contemporary Art Center and the Kansai Agency for Cultural Affairs 'Power of Culture' iniciative.
TRANSNATIONAL ART 2010: http://transart2010.blogspot.com
We are happy to announce the upcoming contemporary art group exhibition organized by SoHo Art Gallery of Osaka to take place at the Osaka Contemporary Art Centre's Exhibition Room A, from January 25th to January 30th, 2010.
This special exhibition features new graphic, painting, sculpture, installation, multimedia and performance art works by 38 emerging and established artists from Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Japan, New Zealand and The U.S., who're often living and working between their home countries and Osaka.
The goal of this exhibition is to present the public with a comprehensive collection of unique new works addressing issues in contemporary art by artists working or living in a transnational context.
Featured artists:
anata, Seishi ISHIDA, Youichi ITAKURA, Hirotaka ICHIKAWA, Ryohei OBATA, Takayuki OSHIMA, Hiroyuki OGOSHI, Tiery Le... (France), Yoshinobu KAWATAKE, Akiko KAWABATA, Atsuhiro KANZAKI, Ataru KOZORU, Masatoshi GOTO, Yusuke SAKAO, Yoshihisa SANO, Yuki SHIGEOKA, Masato SUNAMI, zipertatou (Canada), Kanako TAKADA, Sanae TAMURA, Rick TUAZON (U.S.A.), Yukiko TSUSHIMA, Vinh TRUONG (Canada), Krzysztof DEBICKI (Canada), Kunihiko NAKANO, Tomoyuki NAKAMOTO, Kouichi NISHIMURA, Kotaro HACHINOHE, Yuuki HATSUKANO, Charles-Éric BILLARD (Canada), VHS, Jason FERGUSON (Australia), Sarah VAN MARCKE (Belgium), Yoko MARUYAMA, Akiyo MUGURUMA, Marie YAMADA, Kenji YOSHIDA and RANDOM (New Zealand).
Contemporary Art on display: Paintings (Oils, acrylics, mixed media), Drawings (Color pencils, pen and ink), Installation, Prints (silkscreen), Performance (Live Painting), Interactive Video Installations, Video Projections, Sculpture (Stone, glass, resin and ceramics) and 2D and 3D Photography.
Admission: Free
Opening Performance by Kotaro Hatch ( http://www.kotarohatch.com ):
Monday January 25th from 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., in gallery A.
Art Talk:
Saturday January 30th from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. featuring guest speakers Bernard Catryss, Director of the Flanders Center, Masakatsu Nishino, President of Osaka Arts Planning, Celio H. Barreto, Owner/Creative Director SoHo Art Gallery and a selection of participating artists (TBA)
Exhibition dates and times:
Monday Jan. 25th: 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday January 26th to Friday Jan. 29th: 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Saturday Jan. 30th: 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
The Osaka Contemporary Art Center is located in the New Annex North & South, 3-1-43 Otemae, Chuo-ku, Osaka 540-0008, Japan
- Tanimachi Subway Line: Get off at Tanimachi 4-chome Station, and take exit No. 1-A.
The centre is a 3 minute walk away.
- Keihan Temmabashi Station: Take the East Exit ad walk 10 minutes southbound.
For more information please call 06-4394-7456 during regular business hours or visit: http://transart2010.blogspot.com
Curated by: SoHo Art Gallery ( Celio Barreto and Yachiyo Nakao )
Supported by: Flanders Center, Osaka Arts Planning, Holbein Art Materials Inc.
Under the auspices of: Osaka Contemporary Art Center and the Kansai Agency for Cultural Affairs 'Power of Culture' iniciative.
TRANSNATIONAL ART 2010: http://transart2010.blogspot.com
Friday, January 8, 2010
スピーカー: 八戸香太郎(Kotaro Hachinohe)
(オフィシャルホームページ:http://www.kotarohatch.com )
●日時:2010年1月24日(日) pm16:00〜pm20:00
2010年1月25日(月) pm19:30〜pm21:30
●参加費:3,000円(学生割引 2,000円)各回定員20名
お申し込み・お問い合わせはSoHoアートギャラリー・TEL又はEメールで受け付けております。06−4394−7456 ・ soho_galleryjp@yahoo.com
スピーカー: 八戸香太郎(Kotaro Hachinohe)
(オフィシャルホームページ:http://www.kotarohatch.com )
●日時:2010年1月24日(日) pm16:00〜pm20:00
2010年1月25日(月) pm19:30〜pm21:30
●参加費:3,000円(学生割引 2,000円)各回定員20名
お申し込み・お問い合わせはSoHoアートギャラリー・TEL又はEメールで受け付けております。06−4394−7456 ・ soho_galleryjp@yahoo.com
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